🪄Magically Thriving Business💸: Just a Moment… and Other Lies I Tell Myself 9-Feb-2025
This week, I’m prioritizing what truly matters and giving myself permission to let the rest go—without guilt. Because just a moment might not seem like much, but when you add them all up? Are you?
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Just a Moment… and Other Lies I Tell Myself
Ophelia’s Corner: Lost in the Moment
Ophelia’s Magical Round Up
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Just a Moment… and Other Lies I Tell Myself
I swear, I used to be good at time management. I had systems. I had priorities. I had a plan. But lately? Lately, I’m drowning in just a moments.
Just a moment to tweak a graphic for a social post. (Two hours later, I’ve redesigned my entire branding.)
Just a moment to answer an email. (Now I’m deep in research for a project I wasn’t even planning to start yet.)
Just a moment to switch the laundry. (Oh look, the pantry needs organizing! And now dinner’s late.)
Somewhere between running multiple businesses, supporting my students and clients, and taking on more family responsibilities, my days have turned into a chaotic juggling act where I’m constantly catching the wrong ball and trying my damnedest to not drop the important ones. I tell myself I’m “cutting back,” but then I blink, and I’ve lost half a day to something that wasn’t even on my list.
I know I’m not alone in this. I see so many of you struggling to keep up, balancing businesses, families, and the constant pressure to do more. And I also know that pushing through exhaustion, telling ourselves we’ll rest “later,” and trying to run on sheer willpower isn’t sustainable.
So I’m making a conscious effort to fight back. To recognize when I’m about to fall into a just a moment trap and ask: Is this actually what needs my attention right now? Or is it just a distraction disguised as productivity?
I'm also trying to identify those things that send me off into distraction (like checking email) and relegating them to the end of the day, or days where I have a lot of meetings, so filling small spaces of time in-between is a perfect fit that time boxes my jaunts down rabbit holes.
This week, I’m prioritizing what truly matters and giving myself permission to let the rest go—without guilt. Because just a moment might not seem like much, but when you add them all up? They’re stealing the time and energy I actually need to move forward.
If you’re feeling this too, let’s hold each other accountable. What’s one just a moment habit you need to break this week? Hit reply and let me know what you're struggling with. And if you'd like to talk to me about and brainstorm solutions - keep an eye on your email Tuesday for an opportunity to do just that.
-Cheryl, Head Business Witch
"Fear? Anxiety? Short-term pain, a moment. Regret is a pain that lasts a lifetime."
- Cheryl Evans
🪄Business Books📖
Pitching with Fire: How a Dragon Mastered the Art of the Pitch (and you can too!) Paper - Kindle
The Power of Persuasion: 100+ CTAs That Convert: Learn How to Craft Calls to Action to Super Charge Your Marketing Paper - Kindle
69 Hook-Ups: Starters to Grab Attention and Reel In Audiences Paper - Kindle
Ophelia's 🌈 Corner: Lost in the Moment
I stared at the swirling veil, hesitating. Just a moment, I thought. Just a peek. That moment stretched—became weeks lost in endless pondering. Now, back in the real world, I understand: Moments are tricky things. Blink, and they’re gone. Linger too long, and they swallow you whole. The trick? Knowing which ones to chase.
This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about moments—how they slip past when we’re not looking, or worse, how they trap us when we linger too long. Ever get stuck in a decision loop, overthinking until you’ve pondered yourself into a standstill? (Ahem, looking at myself here.)
When I touched the Veil of Timeless Pondering, I thought I had a handle on it. Just a moment, I told myself. But moments are sneaky little things. They stretch, warp, and sometimes they swallow you whole. That’s how I lost two months to endless what-ifs and maybes. (Click here if you missed the story, it's a doozy!)
I think a lot of us live in that place—waiting for the perfect time to start, say yes, take a risk. But the truth is, waiting too long turns into not moving at all. The magic isn’t in the moment itself—it’s in what you do with it.
So, what moment are you holding onto? And more importantly… is it time to finally let it go?
I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I overheard Cheryl talking the other day, and apparently she is launching a brand new support group for all of us business witches!! I'm SO excited!! I think the formal announcement is coming on Tuesday, but I just know it will be the perfect place for all of you who are feeling stuck in a moment of pondering, unsure which way to turn!
Reflecting in Wonder,
Your Mirror into the world of Magical Merch and Business
P.S. I can't believe they fired me from the clock factory after all the extra hours I put in...
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Ophelia's🌈Magical Round Up
Do you vibrate on the sparkling wavelength of dragon-awesomeness? Want to show off your enchanted brillance in my Magical Round Up? Take flight with me!
The world doesn’t decide when you’re ready. You do. And whenever that moment comes, it will be right on time.
— Autistic Ang
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