In a realm saturated with mundane messages and forgettable faces, your brand deserves to sparkle with its own unique magic. At the Business Witch Academy we believe the best way to predict your future is to create it and we're here to help you do just that.
As a business coach, it’s my job to do the heavy lifting to make lives of entrepreneurs like you easier. I have been making my living solving problems for you since 2001. I spend my time learning, trying, failing, iterating, and then figuring out how to make it easier and faster for you to achieve the same or better results than I have. This is my career. Please consider a paid subscription so that I can continue to learn things the hard way and innovate relentlessly, so that you don't have to.
The "🪄Magically Thriving Business💸" is an edutainment series published by The Business Witch Academy which blends the magic of storytelling, the potent learning potential of humor and interactive components with tried and true business concepts and strategies to make learning how to maximize your business revenue fun, relatable, and easy.
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Foggy Mornings, Flying Acorns, and Fearless Branding
The humidity outside felt like it was 110%. It wasn't raining, but I felt like I was walking through a chilly pond as I entered the Business Witch Academy on this foggy Autumn morning. I love Fall with all of vibrantly colored leaves, jack-o-lanterns, and temperatures just right for wrapping up in a comfy hoodie and a pair of fingerless gloves.
I was excited. Today, my entrepreneurial students were starting a new unit about branding.
As I dropped my bag on the floor and placed my laptop on my desk, the door to my classroom clashed open and Ophelia fluttered in chattering excitedly with her new beau, Freddie. Freddie, like Ophelia, was a Doxie, but he seemed to sport blue and silver coloring most of the time. He was just as excitable as Ophelia. I wasn't sure if I wanted to smile or grimace. They are adorable together, but there is never a moment of silence when the two of them get going. It can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. At least I wasn't the only one who was excited.
When Ophelia and Freddie reached the front row, Ophelia's favorite place to sit in every class, she blurted out in my general direction, "Hi Teach! Where do we start?" She hadn't even put her bag, a pink sequined piece, down yet. It looked heavy and I briefly wondered what she'd stuffed inside.
Ophelia pulled out a sketchbook. "I have a few drawings of ideas for my logo, but I'm really not sure what to do about packaging," she continued chattering quickly as she dumped her backpack upside down and a deluge of acorns started rolling across the floor.
"Oh, Ophelia," I said, shaking my head. "I'm glad you're excited. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your brand, but I thought we'd start with a story once everyone gets settled."
She started and looked up at me from chasing acorns around the room. Freddie and a few other students were trying to help her, but it looked like some of the acorns were self-propelled. Freddie was chasing a yellow one with blue stripes that rolled off every time he got close.
"Oh. Well, I like stories." She waved her hand as she spoke and a dozen acorns rose up into the air and zoomed across the room and into her bag. I'm glad my students were quick on their feet, a few had to duck to avoid being struck in the head. She continued as she zipped up her bag, "Is it an old one?"
"I suppose that depends on your definition of old, but it does have to do with my younger self, aliens, bravery, and branding"
"Oohhh….time travel! My favorite!" exclaimed Ophelia as she and the other students settled down.
I Do Not Fit In, I Fit Out
"Don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.”
-The Goo Goo Dolls, Iris
"Throughout my life, I've always been the round peg in a square hole, never quite fitting into the neatly defined spaces the world laid out. My journey, much like the poignant lyrics of "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls, has been underscored by a longing to be accepted for who I truly am, coupled with the fear of rejection that comes from a world that doesn't understand. I've seen more than my fair share of bullying, shaming, and outright abuse. People just never hesitate to tell someone else that they are different.
When I was in high school, I embraced my authentic self and shed the self-consciousness that forces so many of us to conform to the social norms and pressures to look and act a certain way.
This was me at 17. I was a goth girl.
When I embraced my authentic self, I found a niche group of friends where I fit in better than ever before and better than much of what came later too. This experience taught me a vital lesson: what makes you unique may alienate you from people who don't appreciate those differences; it can also draw you closer to those who celebrate your unique spirit. My niche group of friends became my sanctuary, a place where being different was the norm and acceptance was unconditional.
Upon entering the professional world, however, it demanded a different version of myself. In the animated film, Home, Oh says, 'I knew they were not happy to see me. The truth is that among the Boov, I do not fit in - I fit out.' At 22, as a consultant to business owners, I felt compelled to conceal my age, to dress more conventionally, to cut my hair — essentially, to become someone I wasn't in order to fit in."
"Oh no!" Ophelia exclaimed.
I raise a finger to my lips, shushing her, and continued.
"I learned how to hide away the unique aspects of myself. I've published books under pen names, sold art under pseudonyms, and sterilized my marketing materials and my 'personal look' so that people would perceive me as not just professional, but 'normal.' I did everything I thought I was supposed to do to look, do, and say the 'right things.'
“It wasn't much better at home. This sanitized outward appearance bled into my personal interactions. I'd been cut off from my band of misfits from high school and found myself surrounded by people who expected me to look and act like them. Worse, they took every opportunity to point out anything and everything about me that didn't fit, shaming and blaming me into conformity.
“The results --
“Well, the impact was far reaching, but let’s stick to the impact on my business. In over a decade of being in business for myself, despite being an expert in all things branding and marketing - my marketing materials never once generated a solid business lead. I'm so embarrassed to admit it, but, really, not one lead."
A mummer ran through the classroom and Ophelia gave it voice, exclaiming loudly, "No way! I really don't believe it. I've seen your marketing campaigns. They're amazing!"
"Well, thank you. But truly, I'm not joking. My clients ALL came from word-of-mouth referrals. I made enough money to get by, but my business wasn't growing.
“Behind the scenes, I was in an abusive marriage, cut off from my support network from high school, and miserable.
“This decade-long masquerade took its toll; ultimately I found myself to be an imposter in my own life - professionally and personally."
"But wait! I thought Imposter Syndrome was when you’re a fake, faker. Do I have that wrong?"
"You're correct. People who think they aren't good enough at something, even though they are, suffer from a condition called 'Imposter Syndrome.' But that is a very limiting definition of the concept of being an imposter and how it can manifest in problematic ways in our lives.
“For me, I think I have a fairly honest understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, skills and talents. Or at least, I try to. I'm also a very honest person, so if I say I can do something, I can. I wasn't a fake Imposter, I was the real deal, at least when it came to my personality and showing up authentically to my own life, my own business. I perpetually wore a mask."
"That sounds really lonely."
"It was. The journey back to authenticity was long and winding and hard. It was filled with loss, betrayal, failures, catastrophes. It was also filled with lessons from my younger, braver self."
"This is the time travel part isn't it?" Ophelia blurted out, while jumping up to do a little dance.
"I suppose you could look at it that way. Over the course of several years, I had a lot of conversations with my younger self. She taught me that being unique is not just okay; it's a superpower. 'Never stop being you,' she would say. 'Your uniqueness is what makes you amazing. Speak with your true voice, draw your people to you, and success will follow naturally.'"
"Oh, I like younger you!" blurted Ophelia.
Freddie agreed, adding, "She was really smart!" Ophelia nodded emphatically in agreement as I raised my finger to my lips to shush them again.
"Thank you. I think so too. When I grow up, I'd like to be just like her," I said with a wistful smile knowing that some of her youthful naivety, innocence, wonder, and the joy that came from such things were gone forever.
"It took another decade of rebuilding myself and my personal life before, finally, I took a drastic, life-altering, step. I did the bravest thing I've ever done in my life."
"Did you fight a kraken?" Freddie chimed in
"Well, in a manner of speaking, I suppose I did.
"When I embraced myself and embraced authenticity in my marketing, the results weren't just dramatic, they were out of this world! I launched my personal brand, Cheryl.wTf, in July 2023 with a vibrant rainbow color scheme mixed with grunge-goth textures and a solid dose of black. It was attention grabbing, daring, and totally me. In addition to the appearance, I started talking about my life, the highs, the lows, the raw, honest truth.
"Within three weeks of launching the most terrifying rebranding and marketing campaign of my life, I had people going out of their way to tell me how much they were enjoying my social media. Within three months, I attended a national trade expo. When I arrived, I knew fewer than 20 people in over 1,500 attendees. On the very first day, I had 2 different strangers approach me and exclaim, 'Oh! I know you from your social media!'"
A small explosion of sparkles shot out from Ophelia in all directions, "'OMG! You were recognized?" she blurted out. Freddie clapped enthusiastically. This time it was a few of the other students who shushed them.
I have to admit, I love when Ophelia accidently explodes in sparkles. I'm not sure she's always aware of it, but it's very pretty. "I know! Right?" I replied, finding it hard to contain my own awe and excited at the idea, even now. I'm mean, who wouldn't be really. "My mind was blown! It was a lesson in the power of authentic marketing and consistent branding — When we are aligned, we have an opportunity to walk together in this world, share our journeys, learn from each other, and grow together. When we are true to ourselves, we don't just fit out; we create our own space to fit in."
"I love this story! You are not boring. Your brand shouldn't be either."
"Thank you Ophelia. I totally agree. In a world filled with mundane messages, never-ending advertisements, and a whirlwind of competing brands, standing out with cold, 'professional' branding felt like trying to wrestle a kraken with my bare hands as my ship sank below the waves."
"Woah! That's terrible. Your authentic marketing was easier?"
"Of course. It's always harder to pretend to be something you're not. Whether that's in your day to day life or in your business marketing. Being yourself should just flow."
"I definitely don't fit in here," said Ophelia. There was a hint of sadness that was uncharacteristic for her.
"Well you're in luck because 'fitting out' might just be the biggest strength of all, for your business. It's about understanding that while the world may not always understand or accept you, there is a niche, a tribe, a market that will. Your job is not to conform but to stand out, to be brave. Take some advice from Sara Bareilles song 'Brave'"
"Oh, I love that song!" Ophelia's enthusiastic demeaner returned in full force as she popped up and started singing (very off-key)…'Say what you wanna say, and let the words fall out.'"
Oops…Ophelia disappeared again. She's distracted now, I'm sure she's singing her way through the enchanted forest outside the Academy. That's ok, mission accomplished, I think she's got the idea.
"Remember," I said to the rest of the class, "you aren't boring and your branding shouldn't be either. Honestly, I want to see you be brave.
Stay Magical,
P.S. Scroll down for your assignment
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Many of the people and businesses I feature are ones that I've met in the course living my life and running my businesses. I feature them when I feel they have something my readers may be interested in hearing about.
Some outbound links may financially benefit me through affiliate programs or sponsorships, but frequently they don't. Any affiliate relationship doesn’t influence my opinion, and I would never endorse people, programs, products, or services I didn’t use, approve of or feel familiar with. So If you use it, I may get compensated — but there’s no additional cost to you.
Assignment: Are You Sabotaging Your Success? Unpacking the Hidden Fears To Resistance to Authentic Marketing
"Your homework is to start thinking about what authenticity might look like for you, and start unpacking some of the reasons you might feel resistant to authentic marketing.
“On your way out the door, please grab the packet entitled 'Are You Sabotaging Your Success? Unpacking the Hidden Fears To Resistance to Authentic Marketing'"
Review the checklist “15 Hidden Fears Preventing Entrepreneurs From Achieving New Pinnacles of Success” and have a really honest conversation with yourself. What’s holding you back?
Talk it through with a trusted friend, your business coach, or join us in the Business Witch Academy Support Group Zoom calls if you need help working through these thoughts, fears, and mental blocks that are standing in your way.
If you’re ready to really dig in deep and pull these mental barriers out by the roots, then check out the 3 courses from my friend Nicole Petschek. She is an absolute expert rewiring your brain for success and dismantling mental blockades. She teaches a range of proven techniques that will help fast track you for success.
15 Hidden Fears Preventing Entrepreneurs From Achieving New Pinnacles of Success…
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